Master Class with Dwight Byers: The International Institute of Reflexology USA
Master Workshop with "The Master"
Dwight Byers
Pre-requisites for Master Workshop (Advanced Proficiency Workshop):
You must be a certified Reflexologist with any training organization and provide a copy of certification.

At This Intensive Two-Day Workshop You will learn...

-- How to assess the feet and hands including anatomy, conditions and functions
-- Establish techniques for practicing HAND REFLEXOLOGY.
-- Improve your personal productivity.
-- Learn to utilize your energy more effectively.
-- Learn to work SMARTER not HARDER using special advanced techniques
...on the feet and hands for specific conditions: the lymphatic system, thyroid,
...carpal tunnel, spinal problems, foot pain, sports injuries and much more.

Limited number of applications taken for each workshop to assure more personal attention and instruction.
-- First come, first served basis of pre-registration - register early to save your position.
-- Pre-registration form along with a non-refundable Administrative Fee of $100.00 must be received by I. I. R. at least 30 days ...(unless otherwise noted) PRIOR to the workshop. The Total Tuition Fee is $350.00 US Funds, due at the workshop.
-- I . I. R. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CANCEL or reschedule with full refund if minimum pre-registration participation
-- is not met 30 days prior to the workshop due to the cancellation policy of the Hotels.
-- Income tax deduction is allowed for educational expenses - registration fee, meals, lodging and travel.
-- Participants are responsible for their own lunches.

ACT NOW to reserve your place.


-- Registration begins at 8:00 am, Workshop begins at 8:30 am.
-- Lunch will be approximately 12:00 to 1:00 pm and Workshop will conclude about 5:00 pm.
-- Second day workshop will begin at 8:00 am and conclude about 5:00 pm with an hour for lunch.

TBA for 2011

Master Class with Dwight Byers: The International Institute of Reflexology USA